A Ray of Sunshine …

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Is life really complicated or are we complicating it?
This question often crosses my mind. So what do you think… are we or is it??
There are lot of moments in life which go unexplained. Where we go in search of answers or try to find reason’s. It certainly isn’t easy to find but somethings are best to be left has a mystery. The more the complication the less you understand and when the more you understand the more untold mystery surrounds you.

Life is about feelings and emotions where we are sometimes relaxed, perturbed, happy, sad, emotionless, kind or disturbed. When we are having the most happiest time in our lives something terrible happens, really terrible that the next minute you wonder why? Why does this have to happen? Why me? And in fact there are all type of crazy questions we ask our lives. No matter what it is, its always difficult for us to accept the bad things but the good things we welcome with open arms.
Life is a roller coaster ride which we forget many a times and wanting only to be happy. But there is something that we have to remember it’s the up’s and down’s that gives it a balance. Every concept around us is about balance. The yin and yang, day and night, heaven and hell, sun and moon, land and water. So when everything around us accepts the balance why don’t we?
It’s a long road in which some travel alone, some want to travel alone but eventually we travel alone so in this journey of life lets embrace the good things and be grateful for the bad because they give us the strength, helps us to fight back, gives us hope, and makes us believe in magic.
Let’s leave the mystery to be a mystery and not to reason the untold. None can deny the fact that life is complicated but let’s not complicate it even more.
And so…
When life knocks you down and when things go out of control, believe in a little bit of sunshine, a little bit of hope.
We struggle, we fight and in a period of time we withdraw ourselves losing hope. So In all those moments when we are exposed to a hail storm, tornadoes, Earthquakes that shatters our life’s our heart’s. When we are completely drained of our strength remember

Miracles do Happen …


27 thoughts on “A Ray of Sunshine …

  1. Such interesting musings. I tend to think that life is just life and randomness of experience is just part of it. Good things and negative things happen. At the same time, I agree that we can alter many of those experiences through a change of perspective. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Post packed with truths we somehow forget most of the time. Love the beauty and honesty of these lines: “Life is a roller coaster ride which we forget many a times and wanting only to be happy. But there is something that we have to remember it’s the up’s and down’s that gives it a balance.”

    Liked by 1 person

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